Sunday, February 19, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now?

             Last March, I attended a seminar given by Jeffery Gitomer on Social Media and it was the kick off for his new book called "Social Boom". For those of you who are not familiar with Jeffery Gitomer, he is a big sales trainer and has written some great books on the topic of sales and customer satisfaction. If you are looking some great insights on what sales is all about, he is an incredible resource. It was my first step into the putting together a plan to try and use social media to help me be better at my job.
            Now a year later, I have 401 followers on Twitter and have been slowly getting my blog up and going. The website domain name is still unused and the YouTube channel is quiet but I am getting there. On LinkedIn, I am up over 225 connections and climbing. I think the whole key was to try and do at least one thing a day. The key word in that sentence is TRY. The one thing everyone says about it in every discussion about using social media is " I don't have time". If you really think that, I would tell you to pick up Gitomer's book and read some of the statistics on the influence social media is having on society and the incredible coverage it has.
           Has all this extra work sold one more piece of equipment for me? Not that I know of....YET, but as I was talking to a Superintendent Friday afternoon, he said he had learned a few things from my tweets.
So is it worth a couple of minutes a vote is yes! I am still way behind in the whole process but I am pretty happy being a year into it. Hopefully a year from now I can direct you to my website and tell you to check out the video on my YouTube channel!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Road Trip!

        I will say after 12 hours of driving in two days from Philly to Providence, RI. and back for the New England Turf Grass show, it was worth the trip! Early Tuesday morning myself and two Philadelphia area Superintendents  hit the road to attend the much talked about NE Turf Grass Show. I have heard for years that it is one of the best shows in the country. They still had good attendance and vendor support even as other shows are slowly fading. What I found was almost a mini-national. The show was what our show in Philadelphia was back in the 90's. Lots of vendors and good attendance.
Now the great question.....WHY? What is different?
      It was $160 for a two day pass. They had food and drink on the floor, which other shows are now trying. One theory that I have been told is guys in the North Eastern part of the country don't have an issue with driving 2 or 3 hours to attend something. It also seemed like more guys who grew up in the area stayed in the area. So it seemed like a big reunion.
      Was it worth the trip? Yes but we did take off for home earlier than planned with the weather not cooperating. I will pass on trying to get over the George Washington Bridge in NYC at rush hour in a snow storm. I did learn a valuable lesson about attending....Take the train! An Assistant Superintendent from Philly made the trip up by train. Being from the area he knew better. $50 each way and about 5 hours.It also drops you right behind the convention center. Live and learn.