Saturday, April 11, 2015

Check the Flux Capacitor

        Last week, Andy Billing, VP of Turflux, delivered the first GPS Sprayer unit sold to White Manor CC here in Philadelphia. While there are multiple users in the Pittsburg area ,where Turflux originated, this was the first here in Eastern Pa.
       In the morning, Andy started by driving the border of the property with the unit on his trailer on the streets surrounding the golf course, to start the mapping process. He was  also controlling the unit remotely from the cab of his truck with his laptop. We then spent some time going over the nuts and bolts of the system and some of the recommended processes.
       The next step was the mapping process. With the request of  multiple maps around the greens complexes, it would have been a good day to have a FitBit. Following the painted lines to mark each map needed, made walking required. Once everything was mapped, it was time to see how the sprayer was reacting to the parameters that had been locked in. To see the unit reacting with individual nozzle control and sub-inch repeatability, I got to say was pretty cool!
       From our first meeting with the Turflux group back in the fall, I really thought this was going to be something special. To be able to control your chemical applications so precisely and the ability to be this exact, it is truly amazing. Then throw in that you can put it on any type of sprayer, old, new, Red, Orange or Green.....and I think we have a winner.


Andy Billing giving the review of what was done to the unit to upgrade it from the standard spray system to the Turflux system

Starting the mapping process

More of the mapping