Sunday, April 10, 2016

What Is The Magic Number?

       Not sure when it happened, but in recent years, the buying process has changed on larger equipment purchases. While nothing is an absolute, it is interesting how often it becomes about the final number vs. what unit was the preferred choice. For me, the magic number is right around $150K. It is when more people are involved in the process, at the club, and how much you want to justify your preference. I can't count how many times I have heard the statement, " I am just happy to get something!" It is easy to understand why you would feel this way.
Many clubs have held back on capital purchases over the past eight years. It has happened to multiple clubs that they just cannot wait any longer to replace some equipment that is well past it's shelf life. It makes you wonder, when the club buys new stoves for the kitchen or purchase new carpet, is it low bid that wins or who has the best product for the need?