Sunday, July 29, 2012

Meet Me at The First Tee

       About two months ago, I got the chance to play in a fund raiser for The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia at Walnut Lane Golf Club. It is the home of The First Tee program. The former owner of Philadelphia Turf, Frank Shuman, has been a big supporter of the program and I have gotten the chance to attend some of their events as his guest in the past. At this outing, I was lucky enough to get one of the kids in the program as my playing partner. It was a really enjoyable day and got me motivated to try  and get involved.
       The next day I went to see Jay Parisien. Jay is the President of the Philadelphia Area Golf Course Superintendents Association  and very involved with the First Tee. We started talking about what things could be done to help the program. We both had the same thought of an aeration day.
So the process started of trying to line everything up.....
       Jay spoke with the Superintendent at Walnut Lane GC, Gary Hite. Gary does an incredible job on this Alexander Findlay design! The owners of Turf Equipment & Supply were all behind bringing in a fleet of demo equipment. Then came trying to round up some seed/fertilizer and topdressing.
With each call to other vendors in the business it was the same answer " How much do you need?...DONE!"
       Now the request for equipment operators will be going out the start of this week through the PAGCS and our company is going to do an e-blast to our golf customers in the area too. So now it looks like we have everything in place ( Especially the lunch we are providing both days from the local cheese steak shop!).  Now if the weather will cooperate.....August 14th & 15th should be something to see!


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