Sunday, March 17, 2013

Goal And An Assist

       Congratulations to the Philadelphia Area Golf Course Association for the new Assistant Superintendent Outreach program! With Jim Lynagh and Rob Nolek leading the committee and Assistants Nick Lubold, Cedric Karp & Derrick Mohler playing a big part in trying to grow the involvement and numbers of Assistant Superintendents in the Association, I think it is going to be very successful.
       I know that time line has really changed in the career path of an Assistant from where it was 10 years ago. With the loss of clubs and the 300+ resumes that are sent in for an open position, it is easy to get frustrated. So what do you do? Keep attending as many educational events as you can, become part of the local associations, continue to network! The biggest thing that came out of our Future Superintendent Academy experts back in December was differentiate yourself.
       So when you feel like you are stuck....change something! Think about what you have done lately to improve your chances of getting where you want to be.

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

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