Sunday, October 13, 2013

Motivation & Glen Mills Schools

       This past week we hosted a Sports Fields & Grounds Manager field day at Glen Mills Schools. While the draw of the beautiful 800+Acre campus and the chance for some golf on one of the top public golf courses in PA made it a great location choice , there was a much better reason which was the students. Glen Mills School is a reform school on the edge of Delaware Country, outside of Philadelphia. But it is not what you would expect.... When you drive up, it looks more like a small private college with no walls or fences!The current location became home in 1892. Everyone I have ever taken there is blown away by the facilities and the mission of the school. So why is it different? Glen Mills is not a government run facility. The program gives them the opportunity to learn life skills and  gives the student a chance to turn their life around when they leave. In the Turf Industry, they have the chance to work on the golf course. There is also a small engine section & a landscape group.
       What is also special about holding events at Glen Mills Schools is the motivation it always seems to give those who visit. After our event, I was contacted by one of the local townships that had attended. They wanted to get involved and are looking at creating an intern program for a student. One of my coworkers asked if he could do more. He really felt strongly about needing to get involved.
I would urge you to take a look at Glen Mills' website and learn more about their program!

Take a look at the article about Sean Kearney, who is now an Assistant Superintendent at Fishers Island GC in New York.
Some of the student attendees getting an equipment demonstration


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