Saturday, February 1, 2014

You are So Lucky!

        For most of us heading to the Golf Industry Show here in the North Eastern US, and for the most part, anywhere but the deep south, you get the same reaction when people hear you are going to Florida, "You are so Lucky!". When you can get to 80 degree weather and morning temps have been in the single digits here in Philly, I am up for going anywhere warm! The sad part is the majority of your time, this upcoming week, is spent inside a convention center or a hotel, unless you are one of the smart ones and have a golf event set up.
     So what is the National all about (Yes, that what it will always be to me...)? I know for me, it is a chance to see some of Toro's new equipment and an opportunity to pick the brains of some of the Marketing Managers and Engineers. It is a chance to see what my competition has new and to see if someone has come up with a game changer. Really, the highlight of the week, is probably the Pennsylvania Allied room. It is where you get to see a lot of people you might not have seen for a while and end up usually with some good laughs.
       The thing that most interests me this year is to see the impact of social media. More and more people in the golf industry are starting to get involved.It will be cool to see how it keeps growing, especially the events that are tied specifically to social media at this GIS.

Hope to see you in Orlando!



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