Saturday, April 26, 2014

Clean Me!

       To quote the great Jim Nedin " You check your greens mowers everyday, how often do you check your sprayer"? This past week, I got the chance to work with Jim on some customer visits. Midway through the morning, I got an email from a customer about a sprayer having pressure issues that they needed to resolve ASAP. Luckily we finished ahead of schedule and had time to make a quick visit.
       With his incredible diagnostics skills, Doctor Jim, proceeded to walk through the spray system, tracking what was causing the problem. The flow meter had some wear issues, but as seen below, the main problem was clogged agitation nozzles inside the tank!
       One of the biggest things taken for granted in my experience is that the performance of the sprayer is correct. A greens mower can give you a bad cut that will grow out in a day or two, but a bad application will take weeks to recover or worse. Add some time into you spray program schedule to do more catch tests, review your cleaning process and send your Raven and flow meter in to get re-calibrated each off season. And oh yeah....Give it a bath!


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