Saturday, January 3, 2015

Confessions of a Paperwork Hoarder

      I believe I can trace it back to an incident at college, where a note from the Registrar's office that I had held onto, saved me from having to take one extra class and I was able to graduate on schedule. This past week, I spent time clearing out my office of all of my old paper work. It was long over due! I have always been one to keep things, just in case I needed the information (OK, I am a hoarder!). From the first Toro Selling System book from the 90's, to an old Milorganite sales binder, there was way too many things that needed to be tossed long ago.
       I admit it felt pretty good loading up the back of my pick up to head to a local club's dumpster to get rid of it. It is especially refreshing with the change in jobs, that I have the chance to start fresh on how to arrange my office. It is funny to see how many things had been in paper form, mainly copies of old call reports. Now with the world of "paperless" offices, it is nowhere near the report generation that was done in the past.
       When you add in the handing off of my prize closet full of hats and other promotional stuff and giving my old Toro wardrobe to former co-workers, it was a cleansing holiday season!

      My name is Bill and I am a hoarder.....on the road to recovery!

Happy New Year!


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