Sunday, December 18, 2011

May you live in interesting times

       The phase "May you live interesting times" may have a bit of an unclear origin but it is obviously poignant to the Turf industry right now. I have been calling on golf courses, school districts and townships for 20 years and I would have to go back to the early '90's to recall such a  time of uncertainty, when I talk with people. Layoffs, pay reductions and any other phrase you can come up that has a negative connotation and it is relevant to almost everybody.       
       I have heard talk of course closings, township employee buyouts and even layoffs at clubs that you never thought you would hear it from. Where this is heading we can all guess. I had for years believed that with the contraction of the golf business opportunities there would be more golf course managers who would move over to the sports fields and grounds arena. Now with the lack of government funds and the similar contraction in the township and school district's staffing, things are going be more difficult. Even the option of going into sales is few and far between, with the reductions from vendors to mirror the market.
       As history shows, with the change in any industry there always comes new opportunities. Being prepared & ready to take advantage of the changes is the key. As you read all the experts, it seems the theme of education and networking would be the fan favorite. In reality, I can't see how either of these things can be a bad thing at any time. So, I would ask....Are you on Linkedin? Are you attending as many educational events as you can? If the answer is no, why not?


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