Saturday, April 20, 2013

Reely Important

       This past week I had the chance to work with Jim Nedin. Jim works as a consultant with our company and has over 40 years experience in  the Turf business! We had a customer who was having a quality of cut issues with a reel mower. One of things I am always amazed at when Jim visits a customer with an issue is his ability to diagnose the problem by taking it step by step and not throwing everything at the wall and waiting to see what sticks. What Jim really focuses on is isolating all the variables that might be impacting the cut.
       As with most times, there was more than one thing that needed to be fixed. The interesting part was how a bunch of small things could all add up and to make the mower not preform correctly. The other thing is that sometimes tighten things down as far as they can go is not always the right answer....Correct reel set up to me is an art form.
       Sometimes one of the hardest things to have is patience but to dial in a reel mower that is what it often takes. With multiple mowings to have the original problem grow out, it is often hard to wait. It normally take abouts 3 mowings for grass to "grow to the cut". It maybe one of the hardest things to have but patience is the key to success!

This was once a spring......Tighter the better is not a good motto for every  part  of a reel mowers! 

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