Sunday, November 17, 2013

Self Inflicted

       At the Penn State Turf Grass Conferences this past week Darin Bevard of the USGA spoke about how often this past year he would see self inflicted damage to turf. Often it was related to mowing in wet conditions. So while quality of cut on turf can be effected by how wet it is, the thing you have the most control over is the setup of your cutting units. I have been very lucky to sit through a bunch of Jim Nedin's reel technology classes and each time I walk away thinking about how often it is taken for granted or by chance to get reel mowers to preform at their best. Reel setup is definitely a science and becomes even more so as reels age.
       So if I told you could have healthier turf, would you be interested? The reality is cutting units not set up correctly or out of factory specification can be costly. It will be worth the investment of your time to take a look. I would also suggest you take a look at reel speed adjustments (if available), you might find a surprise. For some reason they often get adjusted by operators who think that turning them to the highest speed setting is the best.


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