Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bring in the Shredder

       Do you have an end of year process? I have traditionally gone through my notes for the year to make sure all the loose ends are tied up and then the fun out my office! Not the Ford F-150 I spend most of my time in but I have a small office I built in our basement. Really two walls were thrown up in the corner of the room and I put in a carpet. Which lasted all of about 6 months after two basement water events!
       Now to be completely honest there is a small chance the producers of the show "Hoarders" might stop by but I think I am not there yet. I have heard over and over about we are heading toward and paperless society, well I am not even close... I think one of my biggest struggles is a few times in my life I have needed to find some document and been lucky enough to still have it. My favorite was my last year of college at registration where I was told I had all my PE credits and did not need to take anything else to graduate on time. Well with 2 months to go to graduation, about 50 of us were called into a room to be told we could not graduate and would need to take a PE course this summer. WHAT? As luck would have it, I had saved a note from the Registrars Office questioning why had signed up for a PE class at the start of my senior year and that I did not need it. Whew!
OK, maybe the old Golf Course Industry Magazines and all the other stuff that needs to make it to the recycling station this weekend will not save my bacon but with a few bags of trash and a little organization, I will be good to go for 2013!

Hope you and your family have a great Holiday Season!


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